Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saint Stanislaus - Feast day April 1

Saint Stanislaus
Feast day (April 11)

In 1072, the people of Krakow, Poland, begged Pope Alexander II to give them Stanislaus as their bishop, which he did. As bishop, Stanislaus was generous to those who were poor. His courage proved itself when he opposed King Boleslaus II for unjust wars, violence, cheating those who were poor, and abducting a nobleman's wife. King Boleslaus pretended repentance but soon returned to his old ways. Stanislaus tirelessly preached the ways of God to the king. Enraged by Stanislaus's reprimands, Boleslaus accused the bishop of crimes.

One story reports that a man named Knight Peter had given an estate to the bishop. After Peter died. Boleslaus accused Stanislaus of not paying for it. Stanislaus fasted for three days, ordered the grave of Peter opened, raised him to life, and brought him to court. Peter upheld the good name of the bishop. Still Boleslaus behaved like a tyrant, and Stanislaus had to excommunicate him. Boleslaus entered the cathedral where Stanislaus was officiating, and services were suspended. Stanislaus, pursued by the king, fled to a chapel outside town. The king ordered his guards to enter the church and kill the bishop. When they refused, the king marched into the chapel and slew Stanislaus with his own sword. Stanislaus is the patron of Poland.

by ardith starotska

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