Monday, March 12, 2012

Be Successful in God's Way

How do we become a lasting success? What would your definition be?

Ann Landers, the great guru of newspaper advice, once wrote, "To a great many people. money is a measure of success. If they are living on a lavish scale, they think they are successes. And yet many are dismal failures."

Og Mandino, the author of the The Greatest Salesman In the World., says, "The only difference between success and failure is good and bad habits-success is a state of mind."

What is your definition of success? Let me suggest this one: Success is the process of fulfilling your purpose in life and doing it well. In short, success is a by-product of a life well lived.

I propose to you that the most successful person who ever lived is Jesus Christ. He knew what His purpose was: to reveal God to us in a person and to offer himself as our Savior by dying for our sins. He fulfilled it perfectly. Jesus Christ was the most successful man who ever walked this earth. Why don't you look to Him in faith? He'll put you on the road to success--GOD'S WAY.

By: Right from the Heart-1 minute devotion                                                                                                        Photo by: SoftheHT

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