Thursday, October 4, 2012

Christians Vocation

"Turn from Evil and Do Good; Seek Peace and Pursue it." Psalm 34:15

These words are very simple yet it is hard to do. Most of us want the easy way, sad to say but it is true.  When we are having problems in our lives we want it to be solve fast so we choose the easy way. Things we do: a) We just don't spoke or ignore that person as if she/he never exist. b) We make believe ourselves that everything is gonna be fine. c) and finally we are afraid of confrontations and failure. That's why we assume that our problem was solve, but it is not. Why? because you never really faced your trials in life. You never bother or seek advice from the mature people who have experienced the same way you did. and most especially you failed to pray and talk to God and tell Him everything.  

My brothers and sisters just talk and pray to God, make Him your best friend and your father.

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